Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Johann Sebastian Bach, he was a German composer and organist. He did this during the musical Baroque Era. Bach's music is very beautiful and some what unique. He composed for choirs, orchestras and other things. He was well known in his lifetime at his amazing abilities of being an organist, he wasn't known much for his composer abilities, untill a little later on in his career. Bach's organist abilities were highly respected throughout Europe in his life time. He was born in Eisenach, Saxe-Eisnach. He was the youngest child of Johann Ambrosius Bach. His father taught him how to play the harpsachord, and the violin. All of his uncles were musicians.

Bach's mother died in 1694, 8 months later his father died as well. At the age of ten without his parents he moved in with his oldest brothers Johann Christoph Bach. Bach recieved valuable lessons from his brother, Johann Christoph Bach worked as and oranist at the Michaeliskirche in the nearby Ohrduf. Bach most likely helped assisted and witnessed in organ music maintanence. At the young age of 14, Bach obtained a choral scholarship to study at Luneberg’s St Michael’s School . Some examples of Bach's work would be: the English Suites, French Suites, Brandenburg concertos , he has created more than 200 cantatas and 200 organ works. In 1707 he married and had children and continued his musician career. His wife later died and then remarried later on. He acomplished remarkable heights in fugue, choral polyphony and organ music.

Johann Sebastian Bach died in 1750. Sebastian Bach's death was caused by his increasingly slow problem, blindness. His death was caused by an unsuccessful eye surgery. Bach lived a wonderful life filled with flowing beats and sensational sounds that he created.

The Art of Fuge is one of my favorite pieces from Bach.

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