Monday, May 3, 2010


Slowly rising out of the city of Detroit, Michigan was the very interesting tasteful sound of TECHNO music during the mid or late 1980's. Techno is a form of electronic dance music. There are many different forms of it. There is tech house, trance, electronic dance is different from techno but helps describe it. There are so many forms.

Trance was developed in the mid 1990's. It is usually characterized by 130and 155BPM that builds up high and low sounds through out the track. All of this music was somewhat used to help alter the state of consciousness to get your brain moving into a flowy dance that let you be in another world. Some trance music has been linked to shamanists using a form of early trance music for spiritual experiences. This muisc is for dancing and vibrant colors. Germany is somewhat called the birthplace for trance music. The few major forms of trance music is:classic trance; acid trance; progressive trance; and uplifting trance. Goa trance emerged the same time with the other trance music. It originated in India, it was a very influential to psychedelic trance.

Synthesizers and snare drums, kick drums, are used in the music. Trance usually uses a hook melody that runs throughout the entire song keeping it tied together and flow well. The entire list of different techno and trance music genre are: Techno, House, Deep house, Breakbeats, Electronic, Trance, Progressive, Hard Trance, Tribal, Drum-n-bass, Jungle, Hardstyle, Goa, Psychedelic, Big beat, old school and new school. Electronic uses a lot of electrical instruments.

This type of music is a good way to gather around and dance to the sounds.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Early 20th century music influences

People began wanting different music. So composers began to experiment with different things. Serious music was created, some enjoyed it, and other people thought of it as a strange world that shouldn't be opened. Regardless of what people thought this Serious Music was an umbrella term for used for music that implies advance theoretical and advance considerations. Eventually as times grew and people had more instruments, and thought of different ways they began to experiment with music even more.

One day there were different types of music such as jazz, folk music, ragtime, country and so on. All of these different types of music were formed by testing out sounds in different ways. Many people liked some of this music, and if not they liked another one. Many selections of music for many different types of people.

Ragtime music was created in 1897 and its down fall was about 1918. This music was up beat, and was influenced by African American music in the late 19Th century, coming from jigs and marching band music. This music influenced many other types of today's music.

Ragtime music was soon taken over by a new music called Jazz. Jazz was a mixture of different types of music. It is influenced by African music as well. Music in New Orleans influenced Jazz a lot. During the Prohibition age Jazz music was huge in the speakeasies. Jazz had saxophones and other interesting instruments in it with interesting voices to go along with the music.

Blue's music came from African American orgin. It was based on spiritual songs, work songs,chants and other things. It was sad music and slow. Usually a guitar was played with this music. Blue's had a lot to say about things, and how everything was going in that time era. Folk music had a lot to do with culture. It was like stories passed on through song.

Popular music had such a high rise because it was so well liked. It had catchy tunes, easy to dance to different rhythms and so on. It is so interesting to see how music progressed so much through the years.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Johann Sebastian Bach, he was a German composer and organist. He did this during the musical Baroque Era. Bach's music is very beautiful and some what unique. He composed for choirs, orchestras and other things. He was well known in his lifetime at his amazing abilities of being an organist, he wasn't known much for his composer abilities, untill a little later on in his career. Bach's organist abilities were highly respected throughout Europe in his life time. He was born in Eisenach, Saxe-Eisnach. He was the youngest child of Johann Ambrosius Bach. His father taught him how to play the harpsachord, and the violin. All of his uncles were musicians.

Bach's mother died in 1694, 8 months later his father died as well. At the age of ten without his parents he moved in with his oldest brothers Johann Christoph Bach. Bach recieved valuable lessons from his brother, Johann Christoph Bach worked as and oranist at the Michaeliskirche in the nearby Ohrduf. Bach most likely helped assisted and witnessed in organ music maintanence. At the young age of 14, Bach obtained a choral scholarship to study at Luneberg’s St Michael’s School . Some examples of Bach's work would be: the English Suites, French Suites, Brandenburg concertos , he has created more than 200 cantatas and 200 organ works. In 1707 he married and had children and continued his musician career. His wife later died and then remarried later on. He acomplished remarkable heights in fugue, choral polyphony and organ music.

Johann Sebastian Bach died in 1750. Sebastian Bach's death was caused by his increasingly slow problem, blindness. His death was caused by an unsuccessful eye surgery. Bach lived a wonderful life filled with flowing beats and sensational sounds that he created.

The Art of Fuge is one of my favorite pieces from Bach.

Friday, December 4, 2009

The most well-known Rennaisance explorer is Chroistopher Columbus. He "discovered" America in 1492. He was born in Italy in 1451, he died in 1506. He believed the world was round, not flat, which was the popular belief of the time. Columbus sailed on the Santa Maria to America where he found America and residents who he called "Indians" because he believed he had discovered India. Fredinand Magellan went to offer his his services to the king of Spain in 1512. He was inspired by Columbus to prove that the Spice Islands were on the Spanish of the line of Demarcation between Spain and Portugal. In 1521 Magellan was killed in a fight between local natives while on the Spice Islands. Marco Polo was an explorer who slightly precede the Rennaisance era, but he was a great influence on the explorers of the Rennaisance era, such as Columbus. Sir Walter Raleigh was an explorer, but more than that he was a real Rennaisance man. In addition to being an explorer he was also an artistrocrat, writer, poet, soldier, courtier, and explorer. He was executed He was executed by beheading 1618. He funded his own voyage. He planned for colonation in the "Colony and Dominion of Virginia" ended in failure at Roanoke Island, but it paved the way for subsequent colonies.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Medieval stuff again and again and again and again

Music in this time period was very different. Instruments used to perform medieval music still exist, though in different forms. The flute was once made of wood rather than sivler, or other metal, and could be made as a side-blown or end-blown instrument. The recorder comes from the gemshorn, which is made out of a cow horn and has wholes drilled into it to create musical sounds. The gemshorn is a member of the ocarina family. Medieval days used many string plucking instruments. The bowed lyra of the byzantine empire was the first recorded European bowed string instrument. The hurdy-gurdy, a mechanical violin, using a rosined wooden wheel attached to a crank to bow its strings. In this era music was both secular and sacred. The earliest Medieval music did not have any kind of notational system. Medieval music began after the Roman empire fell. Troubadours were poet musicians, they wrote about romance with knights and ladies. Troubadours created and memorized their own music. Only religious music was written down and saved during the medieval times. Gregorian church chant, a special kind of music sung in the church. In Asia they had their own type of medieval music with different instruments. A cultures music was developed by all sorts of different reasons depending where they lived and how everyone acted, and what they created in their different regions, and what resources they had. The legendary founder of music in Chinese mythology was Ling Lun, who made bamboo pipes tuned to the sounds of birds. The development of Chinese music was strongly influenced by foreign music, especially from Central Asia. The oldest written music in China is Youlan or the Solitary Orchid. The position of musicians was much lower than that of painters in China. Silk, bamboo, wood, stone, metal, clay, gourd, and hide these are the eight categories of instruments in china. Silk instruments are mostly string instruments. Some examples of instruments are things like oboes such as guan (

medieval music

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ancient Music

Ancient Music is a very interesting subject. Music has been around forever. It has been used as communication, and for celebrations. Music has uplifted peoples moods, and even sometimes make them worse. There are many types of music, all somewhat different from each other, but relating because they slowly originated from the prehistoric times and evolved into more complex sounds to now day music. This prehistoric music had an instrument called the bone flute. This instrument was created from bird bones. There are many layers of music, including: Biblical music, Ancient music (which started when the prehistoric years ended), Early music, and Medieval music.

I'm going to start with Medieval music 1st ,because I want to end in the begining of music. Instead of the endless slow moving flow of new music slowly creeping out of the veins of future creativity. Medieval music was very important to the people, being the major form of entertainment. The slow spread of Christianity helped people like hymns and find them more interesting. The Medieval instruments were the starters for now day instruments. They had wind instruments, string instruments, percussion ,and so on and so on. They had a very interesting instrument called the Crumhorn. The Crumhorn was a double reed instrument, (created in the 15th century) . The harp was a beautiful creation. It created lovely sounds that would calm even the most savage of beast. The harp was liked most by troubadours which were traveling musicians. The other type of musician in the medieval times were the minstrels. They were court musicians.

My next topic will be Early, and Ancient music. These two sections of history kind of run together. They are before the medieval period but show the start of new interesting music slowly turning into even better music for the medieval period. Early music describes the time period of European classical form of music after the fall of the Roman Empire. The Roman Catholic Church kept all these different sounds tied together and kept them some what alike. The Ancient music describes the period of when prehistoric period began to end. "The oldest song known" was written in cuneiform. Cuneiform was the earliest writting. Some musical instruments of this time were instruments with double pipes.

Biblical music was an essential part of training in the schools of prophets. They sang high spirited music and played music to make you more enthusiastic and some of the music would make you sad. The orgins of music are not known. Music may have started from imitating sounds from phrehistoric peoples surroundings, thus eventually creating music through a slow process. They mostly played flute in the prehistoric times because thats all that we can prove that they know how to do.